Cientos de perros bulldogs desfilan en México en busca del Guinness

Cientos de perros bulldogs desfilan en México en busca del Guinness

Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Las calles de Ciudad de México, escenario cotidiano de protestas y manifestaciones, fueron tomadas este domingo por una inusual marcha a cuatro patas y plagada de ladridos: más de 950 bulldogs inglés reunidos en busca de un récord Guinness.

Los fornidos perros, de cara achatada y penetrante mirada, se reunieron desde muy temprano en un sector del centro de la megaurbe acompañados de sus amigos humanos.

“A nivel mundial somos el primer club de bulldog en convocar a más de 950 bulldog inglés. Esto en ningún otro país se ha visto”, dijo a la prensa Erick Hernández, presidente del Club Bulldog México.

La meta de los organizadores era reunir a más de 800 perros para romper el récord y ahora enviarán las pruebas a la organización Guinness para que sea certificado.

En la caminata, realizada en un tramo del turístico Paseo de la Reforma, abundaron los machos que portaban casacas deportivas o lentes de sol, además de que no faltaron coquetas hembras luciendo coloridos modelos perrunos y una que otra con tutú de bailarina.

“Tienen una imagen así como de perros agresivos, de flojillos, pero son lo contrario. Son un amor, un amor”, dijo a la AFP Gabriela Pérez luego de la caminata de un kilómetro mientras su perro jadeaba pesadamente por el cansancio.

La marcha canina fue acompañada por unas 2.000 personas, algunas de ellas prácticamente arrastradas por los bulldogs, raza de gran fuerza y determinación que cuando sale a pasear suele marcar el paso de la caminata.

Ciudad de México y su zona metropolitana tiene el mayor número de marcas mundiales de América Latina, sobre todo si se trata de números al ser una de las urbes más pobladas del mundo con más de 20 millones de habitantes.

Entre sus marcas se cuentan el mayor número de personas bailando Thriller de Michael Jackson, el mayor número de personas besándose o abrazados, el mayor número de personas desnudas ante la lente de Spencer Tunick y hasta el mayor número de personas disfrazadas de Los Pitufos (Les Schtroumpfs), creación del dibujante belga Peyo. AFP

Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Composite image made with the pictures of nine of the English bulldogs taken by their owners to a massive gathering in an intent to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Composite image made with the pictures of nine of the English bulldogs taken by their owners to a massive gathering in an intent to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA


Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017. The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA
Scores of English bulldogs owners massively gather to set a Guinness Record in Mexico City on February 26, 2017.
The total number of dogs gathered was of 950. / AFP PHOTO / ALFREDO ESTRELLA