En vivo: Represión de los cuerpos de seguridad deja al menos dos heridos este #1May

En vivo: Represión de los cuerpos de seguridad deja al menos dos heridos este #1May

Represión de la PNB en la avenida Victoria. Foto: AFP
Represión de la PNB en la avenida Victoria. Foto: AFP



Desde tempranas horas de la mañana de este lunes efectivos militares y policías impidieron la concentración y el avance de los manifestantes de la oposición hacia la avenida Francisco de Miranda, disparando bombas lacrimógenas.

Por: lapatilla.com

La represión comenzó en El Paraíso, donde más de 300 manifestantes, encabezados por los diputados Carlos Paparoni y José Manuel Olivares, trataron de superar el piquete de seguridad para protestar frente a la sede del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE).

Lo mismo ocurrió en Montalbán y en la avenida Victoria, donde los gases lacrimógenos obligaron a los manifestantes a retroceder.

Producto de la brutal represión ya se reportaron dos heridos: el primero fue un joven en la avenida Victoria que fue arrollado por un PNB a bordo de una motocicleta y el segundo fue el diputado de la Asamblea Nacional, José Manuel Olivares, quien recibió un impacto de bomba lacrimógena en la cabeza mientras se movilizaba por El Paraíso. (lapatilla.com)

Lea también:

PNB arrolló a manifestante en la avenida Victoria #1May


Herido en El Paraíso el diputado José Manuel Olivares (Fotos y Video)


Policemen stand guard during an opposition march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. May Day protests risk being rough in Venezuela as it marks one month since deadly clashes erupted in a political crisis with no end in sight. Protesters took to the streets from April 1 to demand elections after the courts tried to strengthen President Nicolas Maduro's grip on power. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Piquete de la PNB en la avenida Victoria en Caracas. Foto: AFP/Federico Parra


Venezuelan opposition activists run from tear gas shot by police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. May Day protests risk being rough in Venezuela as it marks one month since deadly clashes erupted in a political crisis with no end in sight. Protesters took to the streets from April 1 to demand elections after the courts tried to strengthen President Nicolas Maduro's grip on power. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Foto: AFP/ Federico Parra


Venezuelan opposition activists clash with the police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. May Day protests risk being rough in Venezuela as it marks one month since deadly clashes erupted in a political crisis with no end in sight. Protesters took to the streets from April 1 to demand elections after the courts tried to strengthen President Nicolas Maduro's grip on power. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA


Venezuelan opposition activists clash with the police during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. May Day protests risk being rough in Venezuela as it marks one month since deadly clashes erupted in a political crisis with no end in sight. Protesters took to the streets from April 1 to demand elections after the courts tried to strengthen President Nicolas Maduro's grip on power. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA


A woman receives attention during a march against President Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas on May 1, 2017. May Day protests risk being rough in Venezuela as it marks one month since deadly clashes erupted in a political crisis with no end in sight. Protesters took to the streets from April 1 to demand elections after the courts tried to strengthen President Nicolas Maduro's grip on power. / AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA
Una mujer resultó afectada por los gases lacrimógenas en la avenida Victoria/ AFP PHOTO / FEDERICO PARRA