Legitimate government welcomes international contact group position on UN report and rejection of parliamentary fraud

Legitimate government welcomes international contact group position on UN report and rejection of parliamentary fraud

Photo: CCN Centro de Comunicación Nacional


The Interim Government of Venezuela welcomes the ministerial declaration of the meeting of the International Contact Group published today which supports the work and report of the UN verification mission on the crimes against humanity against our people, confirming that they will not validate the parliamentary fraud called by the Maduro regime, while they have demanded free presidential and parliamentary elections as a solution to the crisis.

By CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Sep 17, 2020

The strategy of the dictatorial regime perpetuating crimes against humanity has failed again: it will not have legitimacy or cause the division of the international community.

We emphasize the full coincidence that exists between the electoral conditions required by the International Contact Group and those approved by the National Assembly:

  • Respect for the decisions of the legitimate Legislative Power.
  • The return of control over political parties to their legitimate authorities.
  • The liberation of all political and military prisoners.
  • The reestablishment of political rights through the cessation of disqualifications.
  • An independent NEC appointed through the processes established in the Constitution.
  • The updating of the electoral registry together with the corresponding technical guarantees and audits to guarantee the integrity of the process.
  • International observation according to international standards.

Read More: CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional – Legitimate government welcomes international contact group position on UN report and rejection of parliamentary fraud

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