Guaidó convened the formation of ‘Commands for freedom and free elections’ and will accompany educators

Guaidó convened the formation of ‘Commands for freedom and free elections’ and will accompany educators

Photo: Leo Álvarez


President (e) of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, asked Venezuelans to form Commands for Freedom and Free Elections in every corner of the country to advance in the fight for change that is urgent in the nation and that passes through the celebration of free, fair and verifiable parliamentary and presidential elections.

By CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Sep 27, 2020

The call was made this Sunday in the company of deputies of the National Assembly, representatives of political parties and civil society. He asked all to work hard in the coming days and in the tasks that these Comandos will have.

Guaidó explained that the main work of the ‘Commands for Freedom and Free Elections’ is first, to initiate a campaign to disseminate the UN Report; second, to undertake a campaign against the fraud of December 6th and for free elections; and third, to accompany, support, and organize peaceful protests in the country.

“I call upon all Venezuela to rise up, to resist. I summon you to form the ‘Comandos por la Libertad y Elecciones Libres’. We must maintain internal pressure. Hence the importance of the Consultation as a mechanism of expression, since the majority is to exercise it, to express themselves”.

The interim President also called on Venezuelans to support the people of Yaracuy who have been in the streets this week demonstrating and demanding their rights despite the repression of the regime. He asked the rest of the country to follow the example given by the people of Yaracuy and Maracaibo who have not bowed down and taken to the streets.

Likewise, Guaidó said that next October 5th the educators will be demanding their rights and prerogatives, for which he asked the Venezuelans to accompany and support them, since “the struggle of one is the struggle of all.

“The resistance in itself today something we have to celebrate as those who never gave up, as those who never gave in. To the people of Yaracuy I say: thank you. You are not alone, and you will not be alone.

No to fraud

The President in charge of Venezuela, during his message calling for the formation of the ‘Commands for Freedom and Free Elections’, ratified the rejection of the fraud proposed by the dictatorship on December 6th, but he also said that “he is already defeated”.

Maduro, your fraud fooled no one. Today the world does recognize this process. We Venezuelans already reject it and the European Union also made it clear. We are not going to lend ourselves to fraud, let the dictatorship not fool itself”.

Similarly, he clarified that postponing the 6D process is still a fraud. Therefore, he reaffirmed that it must be suspended. He recalled that this call of the regime does not have the five minimum electoral conditions to make the process competitive.

Read More: CCN – Centro de Comunicación Nacional – Guaidó convened the formation of ‘Commands for freedom and free elections’ and will accompany educators

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