This Wednesday the Special Prosecutor and the Ad Hoc Administrative Board of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), rendered the administrative account of their performance before the legitimate National Assembly, chaired by Interim President Juan Guiadó, where they highlighted among their achievements the rescue and protection of the international reserves of the Republic and ensured that the gold reserves, kept in the Bank of England, belong only to Venezuelans.
By Centro de Comunicación Nacional
Jul 28, 2021
The session began with words of greeting from the President in Charge of Venezuela and the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, highlighting that despite the establishment of the dictatorship and persecution against the entities of the Interim Government and its officials, today they deliver accounts in a transparent manner, facing the country, and praised the courageous disposition and the effort made by its representatives to recover democracy and so be able to rebuild the nation.
Immediately, President Guaidó authorized the interventions to present the accounts online before the Board of Directors of the Delegate Commission, and Deputies members of the Finance and Economic Development Commission.
The Gold belongs to Venezuelans
Manuel Rodríguez, President of the Ad Hoc Administrative Board of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) in his presentation of the accounts of the year 2020 until July 2021, stressed that the purpose of his office was to rescue and protect the international reserves of the Republic.
The assets rescued comprehended: “The takeover of the NY FED account for $ 4.6 MM; the recovery of the Citibank account for $ 342.3MM; and the neutralization of the regime’s claim to dispose of the gold from the country’s reserves deposited in the Bank of England.”
“These recovered assets are given by the BCV’s operating account of 4.6 million dollars. The total funds handled by the Ad Hoc administrative board is 346. 9 million dollars,” stated the President of the Ad Hoc Board of the BCV who added in his presentation that two loans in the name of the Republic were approved in 2020 for the amount of 80 million U.S. dollars.
In May 2021, given the urgent need created by the pandemic, U.S. $ 100 million were approved for vaccines against COVID-19.
“All those loans were extended based on the National Constitution,” emphasized Mr. Rodríguez, who notified that “as of June 30th, 2021, the total liquid balance is 276 million U.S. dollars.”
The official indicated that in “the year 2020, 44 payment orders were made and so far in 2021, 22 payment orders have been made.” Furthermore, he revealed that for the transparency of the administration of the resources, a “base platform” of audited management and internal control was created that allows to leave traces of every action and render accounts.
In May of this year there was a need caused by the COVID-19 vaccines of 100 million U.S. dollars ”.
In addition, he specified that due to the recovery of assets that had already begun, 25 meetings were held in 2020 and in 2021, 28 meetings were held until June, and therefore, this had to be declared and informed to the country, both years are reflected in their respective minutes.
The economist went on to clarify that the information matrix created by some media that pointed out that the gold belonged to Guaidó or Maduro and he made clear and assured that the gold reserves that are in dispute in England belong only to Venezuelans.
Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – The Special Prosecutor and Ad Hoc Administrative Board of the Venezuelan Central Bank delivered their administrative reports on their management that includes the rescue and protection of the Venezuelan international reserves