“We were left destitute, down and out”: Hundreds of families lost everything in Valle Verde

“We were left destitute, down and out”: Hundreds of families lost everything in Valle Verde

Continúa el drama en Anzoátegui: Ascendió a seis la cifra de fallecidos tras deslave en Valle Verde



The landslide that occurred in the “Valle Verde” neighborhood of Puerto La Cruz caused severe damage affecting hundreds of families and some people regretfully expressed that they were left “destitute, down and out,” given that they lost all their belongings.

Javier A. Guaipo // Correspondent lapatilla.com

Such is the case of Omar Brito, whose house on “Fermín Toro” street was totally covered in mud and this caused the loss of beds, refrigerator, stove, among other things. In addition to this, the pressure of the water brought down the walls that separated his house from those located next to his.

“He also had a shed in the backyard that was destroyed. My car, which I kept there, was damaged because part of the roof and a wall fell on top of it,” he said.

Despite the sad situation, Brito was grateful that in his case the losses were only material and not human. However, he regretted that, in the midst of the country’s circumstances, he must now find ways to acquire at least the basic items for his home.

Knocked Down By The Water

Cientos de familias lo perdieron todo en Valle Verde





Neighbor Francisco Romero reported that the landslide took him by surprise in front of his house and he did not even have time to close the gate, because when he tried, it was already too late.

“I had no choice but to get in and even then the pressure of the water knocked me down. Everything that was in the room was lost. Radio, television and even a gas cylinder came out the door.”

The local assured that he has lived in this community for approximately 50 years and has never experienced something like what happened on the afternoon of last Thursday, November 3rd.

Other residents of “Fermín Toro” street said they had to pull people out through the roofs because the houses were buried in mud.

It is worth remembering that according to reports from the chavista governor of Anzoátegui, Luis José Marcano, in Valle Verde there are more than 300 families affected by this tragic situation.

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