Obstetric violence: The terrifying stories of the Guárico hospitals

Obstetric violence: The terrifying stories of the Guárico hospitals

Photo: La Patilla


More than 50 cases of obstetric violence have occurred so far this year in the Guárico State capital, San Juan de los Morros, Roscio Municipality, according to unofficial data compiled by the Venezuelan Violence Observatory (OVV) in this plains state.

By La Patilla

Nov 16, 2022

The coordinator of the OVV Guárico, Adrián González, assured that although there is no exact figure of violence during the birthing process, dozens of these cases were made known through complaints on social networks, anonymous interviews with some witnesses and different news in local media, despite the opacity of information that exists around this topic in official media.

“Several cases that have occurred, especially in the Roscio municipality, are related to deaths of apparently healthy women, who get a cesarean section and die, and those who do not die, tell a horror story with impolite, rude treatment,” explained González.

He added that according to the testimonies of witnesses and victims, “women receive physical punishment when they vocalize in labor.”

He stressed that these bad practices seem to have been normalized among some healthcare professionals, but are part of obstetric violence.

Mr. González offered these statements after a forum organized by OVV, in which they highlighted the findings of a study of social inequality that shows women as perpetrators and victims.

“We detected among the main groups: violence against intimate partners, where women are the perpetrators; another is the battered woman syndrome, in which the woman who commits homicide trying to escape a traumatic relationship. The other is the presence of psychopathy and organic factors and the other two big issues are filicidal women and obstetric violence,” he pointed out.

The representative of OVV-Guárico assured that they continue to analyze the results of the study on women violence as perpetrators and victims.

In this regard, he urged national and regional authorities to contribute to the application of public policies that promote favorable changes in the education of tomorrow’s women, so that positive social development can be strengthened through education.

Read More: La Patilla – Obstetric violence: The terrifying stories of the Guárico hospitals

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