Venezuelan Mechatronics students stood out in a robotics competition organized in the US

Venezuelan Mechatronics students stood out in a robotics competition organized in the US

Venezuelan Mechatronics students stood out in a robotics competition organized in the US




A group of five Mechatronic Engineering students from the Antonio José de Sucre National Experimental University (Unexpo), Carora campus, obtained fifth place in the Eco Robotik Challenge, a competition that took place in the United States.

By: Yanitza Martínez // Correspondent

The team from Lara State participated in this competition virtually. The challenge consisted in the development of a robot that simulated a soccer player. This competition was carried out in a period of 13 days taking into account programming and mechanics.

Adrián Lucas, Isaín Morle and José Franco were part of this team and they mentioned that although the competition was not easy, they made an effort to create the robot with the support of teachers, classmates and a private company which in this case contributed by providing them with the financial resources to participate in the competition.

It is necessary to mention that the young people from Lara were the only team to represent not only Venezuela and the state of Lara, but they were the only team among eleven participants from Latin America, winning the awards for Best Engineering Work and Best Teamwork.

The students of this important field have stood out for creating and developing important projects in the area of robotics and electronics, and have had the opportunity to participate in fairs and various competitions obtaining important awards and being well ranked at the national level.

Furthermore, they also stated that they carry out their studies in the only institution to offer this degree in Venezuela with campuses in Carora, Charallave and Guarenas, where they develop projects that have allowed them to win for the university and of the country a honorable reputation in this field, as well as being an example for future generations of students.