The Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, through the Cáritas organization, began the 44th “Compartir” (Share) campaign in Guárico State and throughout the entire country, which is focused on the fight against human trafficking.
lapatilla.com correspondent
Ana de Andrade, coordinator of Social Ministry in San Juan de los Morros, explained that each year the campaign promoted by the Catholic Church addresses an issue of deep social interest and this time its motto is “La persona no se vende, la persona no se compra” (The person is not for sale, the person is not to be bought).
“The objective is to raise awareness among the entire population about this scourge that is causing so much damage to society, and so that we can identify when a person is being a victim of trafficking and how to fight it,” said De Andrade.
She indicated that the campaign was launched on Ash Wednesday and is promoted during the time of Lent. She specified that during these five weeks specific themes of reflection are proposed and ‘Via Crucis’ (Stations of the Cross) are carried out to raise awareness.
“The motivation for these Stations of the Cross is to pray against human trafficking, in favor of the victims and that path to the cross that Jesus lived, because it is like bringing it to the experience today of those who suffer from human trafficking,” stressed De Andrade.
She highlighted that during the Share campaign, Cáritas collects money and also plans a central event to raise more funds in the capital of Guárico State, which will then be sent to the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference to finally allocate them to support organizations that fight against human trafficking.