Venezuela’s Guárico State agricultural producers concerned about the presence of a bacterial disease that affects cereal crops

Venezuela’s Guárico State agricultural producers concerned about the presence of a bacterial disease that affects cereal crops


Producers from the Guárico and Portuguesa states are nervous and worried by the presence of a new bacterial disease in rice crops. correspondent

“The appearance becomes evident precisely in the “filling” stage. The leaf starts with a burn and the ears that emerge are completely white and without grains (…) Where the bacteria attacks, the yield is almost zero,” explained the producer of the Río Guárico Irrigation System in Calabozo, David Ramírez.

According to a press release from Minuta Agropecuaria, this phenomenon dries the leaves and causes the grain to waste away – or, in other words, the ear grows empty -, especially if enduring high temperatures.

Likewise, the pest causes a significant decrease in yield in the affected fields, which is why they expect prompt attention from the corresponding organizations to eradicate it, especially the Institute of Comprehensive Agricultural Health (Insai).

“We, as producers, expect a quick response to help us have good control and management of this disease that has attacked the crop,” Ramírez said.

According to Minuta Agropecuaria, this bacteria generates a ‘mucilage’ that shows as the ‘burning’ on the leafs and additionally a ‘chlorosis’ (discoloration/bleaching) process occurs from the apex and grows towards the center of the leaf, until it dries completely. The two main symptoms are leaf wilting and leaf wasting.

Likewise, those affected reported that although the attack of the disease can be noticed at any time during the crop cycle, but there is a greater incidence of seeing it 35 or 50 days after its first sighting.

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