Street overseers are dismissed in Apure after their wives participated in María Corina Machado’s march

Street overseers are dismissed in Apure after their wives participated in María Corina Machado’s march

Destituyen a jefes de calle en Apure luego que sus esposas participaron en marcha de María Corina Machado





Just after the visit of María Corina Machado to Apure State began the reprisals by Nicolás Maduro’s administration against the civilian population. These have not been long in coming after the people of Apure have shown their sympathy with the political project of the President of the ‘Vente Venezuela’ political party in the country.

By Lapatilla Correspondent

Through communication established with those affected, it was learned that this Saturday, May 25th, two street ‘leaders’ in Paso Arauca, Pedro Camejo municipality in Apure State, were removed from their positions by the heads of the UBCH and the community, after their wives attended the street activities called for May 22nd by the opposition during the visit of the national leader María Corina Machado to this border state.

The dismissed street bosses were Roque Ojeda and Coraima Borjas, in Paso Arauca, who according to the testimony of their relatives were the subject of political retaliation exercised by the Chavista government for supporting MCM in the Apure State. The dismissal ended in a fight between women due to the arbitrary decision made by Chavismo.

Alexandra Herrera, wife of one of the two dismissed street bosses, this Sunday, May 26th, rejects this measure after describing it as arbitrary and violating human rights. “While we don’t speak, they steal our rights, they abuse us and mistreat us and things are not like that. The dismissal was carried out by the UBCH heads of Paso Arauca and Listo Cedeño by order of Cabrera, the political leader of the government who did not show his face,” Herrera stated to La Patilla.

Two days after the visit of the political leader of the opposition María Corina Machado to the state of Apure, officials of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) retained the canoe and the engine of two canoers in Apure after carrying Mrs. Machado (MCM) across the waterway from the María Nieves Bridge that connects the Apure and Guárico states and all the way to Puerto Páez in Amazonas State.

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