Fedecámaras Carabobo: We are boosting the economy not only of our state, but of all Venezuela

Fedecámaras Carabobo: We are boosting the economy not only of our state, but of all Venezuela

Fedecámaras Carabobo: Estamos impulsando la economía no solo de nuestro estado, sino de todo el país




Between May 24th and 26th, was held the Fedecámaras Carabobo 2024 Expo.There around 160 exhibitors participated and received more than 25,000 visitors. The three-day event allowed national and international businessmen to reach commercial agreements and promote their products.

lapatilla.com correspondent

The President of Fedecámaras Carabobo, Ana Isabel Taboada, was grateful that the Venezuelan private business community which, she assured, has demonstrated once again that it is resilient, is optimistic and wants to do things well for the progress of the country.

She highlighted that although the business sector is not working at its maximum installed capacity, all sectors work together to promote and represent the Venezuelan private business community.

“We have exceeded our own expectations with more than 25,700 people visiting us between Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Here there has not been a stand that did not do networking or that did not achieve a commercial agreement. We had people from Nueva Esparta, Guárico, Bolívar, Yaracuy, Zulia, which confirms that we have become a benchmark, a brand of honesty and organization,” said Taboada.

In addition, the president of the business association in the region announced that next year Valencia will host the 81st Annual Assembly of National of Fedecámaras, an event that will coincide with the next edition of the Expo Fedecámaras Carabobo.

“Carabobo today has a plus with respect to other states, Carabobo has an industrial and commercial DNA, and that makes us once again the industrial and commercial capital of Venezuela. So yes, it is a recognition and that is thanks to our businessmen, because we are doing things well and from Carabobo we are promoting the economy, not only of our state, but of all of Venezuela,” said Taboada.

On the other hand, the president of Fedecámaras Carabobo reported that in this edition of the Expo they received more than 700 applications in the organization’s Job Bank, which will now be processed and classified to share them with participating companies.

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