AD-Táchira: Mayor Yonnhy Liscano is detained without any factual causation or procedural support

AD-Táchira: Mayor Yonnhy Liscano is detained without any factual causation or procedural support


The authorities of one of Venezuela’s opposition political parties, “Acción Democrática” (AD, Democratic Action) in Táchira State requested through a petition, delivered in the regional Ombudsman’s Office, the preservation of constitutional guarantees and human rights in favor of the Mayor of the Pan-American municipality and party activist, Yonnhy Liscano, after he was arbitrarily detained in the early morning hours by agents of the Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (DAET).

The information was announced by the Regional Secretary of the AD Organization in resistance in Táchira State, Gerardo Méndez, who indicated that the petition in favor of the Mayor of the Ayacucho municipality is in compliance with his constitutional rights, and is supported by article 49 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela regarding the application of due process in all judicial and administrative actions.

He specified that Mayor Liscano, upon being arrested, was immediately transferred to the city of San Cristóbal, Táchira State, and detained at the DAET headquarters, located in the Pueblo Nuevo Industrial Zone sector, an arrest that was carried out without any kind of court order that supported such action, without the presence of any prosecutor from the Public Ministry, and without being detained in flagrante delicto for what, clearly, is an arbitrary detention.

The petition details that from the moment of his illegal detention until the introduction of this document before the Ombudsman’s Office in Táchira, more than 12 hours have passed, and although the place of detention is known, neither family nor lawyers have any information about him, the citizen that is the current Mayor of the Ayacucho municipality Yonnhy Liscano, and this constitutes a forced disappearance, in accordance with the international pacts and treaties signed by Venezuela.

Press release