María Corina Machado overcame all obstacles to be received with affection by thousands of Venezuelans in Tachira State

María Corina Machado overcame all obstacles to be received with affection by thousands of Venezuelans in Tachira State

María Corina Machado celebra junto al pueblo del estado Táchira. Foto: Cortesía




María Corina Machado overcame all obstacles this Thursday to be received with affection by the inhabitants of La Tendida in Táchira State, where the democratic leader will remain two days to promote the unitary candidacy of Edmundo González Urrutia.

In images viralized through social networks was observed the triumphant arrival of the opposition leader to the Andean state after she overcame blockades through “the green paths”, and thus avoided all the road obstacles that Chavista governor Freddy Bernal ordered to place to prevent her arrival.

Machado smiled at the camera as she entered the Táchira through the front door, accompanied as always by her faithful motorcyclist caravan, one of the keys in her political and mobilization campaign in favor of González.

“With you until the end, they are going out,” read one of hundreds of banners made by the ‘comanditos’ (little action groups), organized to guarantee the transparency and surveillance of the vote on election day Sunday, July 28th.

“My beloved Táchira, we are here! Ready to receive all their love and give them all mine,” said Machado upon arriving at La Tendida.

“I want us to make a commitment from here during these two days in Táchira: In 31 days we are going to win,” she emphasized to her thousands of listeners.

Machado also reiterated the importance of not simply exercising the right to vote, but defending the vote through civil audit once the electoral polls are closed.

After visiting various locations in Táchira, Machado will close the week with a large popular demonstration in San Cristóbal, the state’s capital, scheduled for this Friday.