Voluntad Popular declares in the face of persecution and repression: Every abuse will be judged in the future and no excuse will be valid

Voluntad Popular declares in the face of persecution and repression: Every abuse will be judged in the future and no excuse will be valid




“Due to the situation we are currently experiencing in Venezuela, it is necessary to remind those who act outside the norm, that the Constitution is very clear in its fundamental principles, specifically article 5, which establishes that sovereignty reside and are non transferable in the people,” said the leadership of ‘Voluntad Popular’ party in Barinas State.

Correspondent lapatilla.com

The main spokesman for this political organization in the state, José Gregorio Colina, explained the aforementioned article of the Venezuela’s Constitution, that categorically states: “the State Organs emanate from popular sovereignty and are subject to it.”

Consequently, human rights, guarantees and duties, according to article 25 of the highest law in Venezuela, state that “any act dictated in the exercise of Public Power that violates or undermines the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the law is null, and public officials who order and execute it incur in criminal, civil and administrative liability as the case may be, without superior orders serving as an excuse.”

All this, according to Colina, in accordance with what is established in the National Public Power, in its fundamental provisions of article 139 which states that this “entails individual liability for abuse or deviation of power, or for violation of the Constitution or the law.”

Because of this, the leadership of Voluntad Popular called on “the officials who act in violation of the Constitution and the law, that each of these abuses will be judged in the future and that it will not be an excuse that it was done by order of a superior. We must respect the sovereignty and decision of our people.”

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