Drivers’ imprudence and Venezuela’s poor road conditions increase motorcycle accidents in Falcón State

Drivers’ imprudence and Venezuela’s poor road conditions increase motorcycle accidents in Falcón State

A couple,who were riding a motorcycle without helmets, died in Coro. The driver was a PNB official (Bolivarian National Police)


The arrival of new dealers that sell motorcycles in the state of Falcón has increased significantly in recent years and therefore, the flow of motorcyclists in the 25 municipalities of the state. Even rural areas have not remained behind in the acquisition of this type of vehicles since they are more affordable than a car, their maintenance is simpler and they can access agricultural areas, where standard vehicles do not have access due to the poor road conditions.

By: Irene Revilla | Correspondent

Although the boom in motorcycle sales has been beneficial for the local economy, because the number of motorcycle parts stores has also increased, there has also been an impact on traffic accidents, mainly in the city of Coro, capital of the state of Falcón, and in the municipality of Carirubana, which is the main municipality of the Paraguaná Peninsula.

Despite the efforts made by the authorities involved in traffic operations, good driver talks and even the imposition of fines, it seems that the actions have not been sufficient to raise awareness about basic driving rules, wearing protective helmets and respecting traffic laws.



In Coro you can see up to three adults on a motorcycle, and if there are some children you may see more than that number. Drivers and passengers do not wear protective helmets, they jump red lights and drive at high speeds. There have been massive reports of these events on social networks. Other accidents have been recorded due to darkness on the roads, fallen cables on the highways and large potholes that cause motor vehicles to topple and slide.

Fatal figures

On September 11, the Secretariat of Citizen Security announced that they will intensify a preventive road plan in view of the increase in traffic accidents. General Miguel Morales Miranda reported through his social networks that after a meeting with the police, military and prevention chiefs, actions will be taken to raise awareness among the population regarding the increase in road accidents.

The plan includes information and preventive campaigns, since in the last three months 325 road accidents have been recorded and in 201 of these motorcycles are involved. The accidents left the regrettable number of 380 injured and 11 dead.

This Tuesday a new fatal crash was recorded. The co-pilot of the motorcycle, who was a teacher, died, and the driver was between life and death


The official said that he ordered an increase in awareness, information and orientation campaigns in various points of the state of Falcón, but drivers must drive responsibly and prudently. “We require responsibility, prudence and respect for traffic signs and laws on the part of the citizens, but above all from drivers.”

The people ask for the creation of more laws to control motorcyclists

For his part, the deputy to the Legislative Council of the state of Falcón (Clef), Oscar Garcia, showed his concern about the high rate of road accidents involving motorcycles that are recorded throughout the region. He highlighted this September 11th, that only in Coro, in the last 24 hours three people have died and others are seriously in the hospital. “This cannot be seen as normal, urgent solutions must be sought.”

He explained that the Clef will seek to reform the Law of Citizen Coexistence to reinforce the mechanisms of social interaction, including those of vehicular traffic. He also recommends that the companies that sell these vehicles impose filters to guarantee that those who buy them are responsible people.



He also said that the authorities have carried out operations and set control points, but this has not yielded the expected results, so he believes that they should be more rigorous and apply the laws and ordinances.

Motorcyclists with restrictions but they are not the only ones responsible

Although there is no census on the number of motorcycles on the road in the state of Falcón, it is clear that the number is much greater than that of four-wheeled vehicles. Many provide motorcycle taxi services, and even “mototaxi” lines have grown in the different municipalities that group this sector of transportation. However, for motorcycles there are already restrictions that have not yet been imposed for those who drive cars or vans.

Since August 1st of this year, the Ministry of Security announced the restriction of fuel sales for all motor vehicles in the municipalities of Miranda and Carirubana, where acts of violence occurred following the presidential elections held on July 28th.

A daily rationing schedule was established from 7:00 am to 9:00 am and only five liters per motorcycle at international prices. This caused the increase in the motorcycle taxi and delivery service in the Paraguaná Peninsula, because to fill up their motorcycles without waiting in line they must go to Los Taques, a neighboring municipality.



The motorcyclists of the Miranda municipality go to the Colina stations, and those who are to the west go to those located on the Falcón-Zulia highway. Although in Coro the prices of motorcycle taxi and delivery services have not increased, they must also go further to get gasoline.

In recent years, motorcycle fleets have increased, because these are cooperatives (a very common form of group savings in Venezuela) that grow between families and friends to acquire new motorcycles. These people work hard to have their motorcycle and they should have the same conditions as those who drive vehicles, is the request of the motorcyclists.

“They always say that it is the fault of the motorcyclist, but one does not go out looking to kill oneself on the motorcycle. The drivers of vehicles throw their cars at the motorcycles, there is a hatred for the increase in the number of motorcyclists, but they do not see that one is also working to survive, looking for bread for one’s family,” said Juan Salazar.

This motorcyclist assures that there are many reckless people, especially teenagers who have saved up to buy the motorcycles and do not know or care about the laws. In addition, they do not wear helmets and do stunts. He also pointed out that there are damaged traffic lights, holes in the highways that cause falls and slides and even entire avenues in the dark.

“It is not only about the recklessness of both motorcyclists and drivers of other vehicles, but also about improvements that the government must make to avoid accidents,” he said.