Colombian guerrilla groups are established in Venezuelan border states

Colombian guerrilla groups are established in Venezuelan border states



Among the security issues that were addressed during the meeting this past Friday in the city of Cúcuta between governors of border departments of Colombia and foreign ministry authorities of that country, was proposed reestablishing dialogues with irregular armed groups, after the violent events that have taken place in recent weeks.

By: Luz Dary Depablos | Correspondent

The authorities who were present at the meeting insisted on asking the government of Gustavo Petro to reestablish dialogues with irregular armed groups.

The Governor of the Department of Norte de Santander, William Villamizar, considers it necessary to have a “peace process in the face of the presence of FARC Dissidents as well as the National Liberal Army (ELN) for many years, a border violence problem, that even transcends into Venezuelan border states, is precisely the one related to guerrilla groups.”

Therefore, he stated that the following should be attained: “the dialogues with the FARC must be completed and also ways be sought to restart dialogues with the ELN, taking into account that during the time in which there was a bilateral ceasefire, the attacks and murders were reduced and today relations with the ELN are broken. We regret this and consider that it should not generate, for example, the death of soldiers in recent days, of wounded police, attacks against infrastructure, even oil companies and also the death of guerrilla personnel,” he added.