Venezuela’s Democratic Unitary Platform in Falcón State broke the silence and invited to denounce the post-electoral persecutions

Venezuela’s Democratic Unitary Platform in Falcón State broke the silence and invited to denounce the post-electoral persecutions

Leaders of political parties that make up the PUD and their work teams were present


The “Plataforma Unitaria Democrática” (PUD, Democratic Unitary Platform) in Falcón State offered a press conference this October 2nd to transmit a message to all those who collaborated in the plan led by María Corina Machado on election day July 28th, where all Venezuelans participated to overcome censorship, retrieve and save the official printed records (minutes) and demonstrate that the country cries out for a change of government.

Jesús Rico, the new spokesperson for the Democratic Unitary Platform in Falcón, thanked the political parties that confirmed the PUD and Acción Democrática en Resistencia that nominated him as spokesperson for this purpose, a responsibility that he takes over with seriousness and great respect.

He recognized the work of the Platform that is sometimes omitted, but he assures that it has been an arduous task for the democracy of Venezuela. “To the teams in the municipalities, we want to say that we remain united, fighting for democracy in Venezuela and that this spokesperson will work according to the agreed and unitary strategies that come from the team.”



He denounced the political persecution that is experienced in the country and in the state of Falcón, not only against political leaders, but also against any who dares to think differently from the current government.

“As democrats, we believe in the power of the people for the people, for this reason we defend popular sovereignty. We regret that after July 28th, those who today de facto hold power have ignored politics and have distanced themselves from it and, on the contrary, have chosen the path of persecution. We regret it because that breaks the bridges between them and those who oppose them, but it also breaks the constitutional thread in the country, and our Constitution is very clear in its article 5 that states that sovereignty is through the vote and we adhere to that on July 28th. The people of Venezuela did not speak, but rather shouted for change,” he said.

He assured that the political parties, unions and citizens formed a team that rose to the occasion and fulfilled their functions and objectives. “What bothers us most about this ignorance of politics is what it leads to, and today we have 25 dead in the country as a result of this ignorance, we have more than 1,800 Venezuelan citizens detained and friends of this Platform, political prisoners. All political parties have political prisoners.”

He regretted that national leaders must go into exile due to persecution, so it is up to them as politicians to step forward and face the teams and the Venezuelan population.

“We are not criminals and we have the Constitution that protects us to do politics. Today the world is supporting the decision of the Venezuelans and us as democratic politicians. We are raising our voices and rejecting persecution. That is why we, who are the persecuted, cannot remain silent at this time.”

Finally, he said that as Venezuelans and democrats we cannot allow the vile selfishness of a group to take hold and triumph. “When there is oppression and persecution, we cannot remain silent. On the contrary, that is when freedom is shouted loudest.”