While Chavismo “brings forward” Christmas in Venezuela, schools in Maturín remain in ruins

While Chavismo “brings forward” Christmas in Venezuela, schools in Maturín remain in ruins



After the start of the new 2024-2025 school year, many schools in Maturín are evidence of the abject neglect of Chavismo. Despite the announcements of the so-called “Bricomiles”, a kind of crew that is in charge of repairing educational institutions with the support of the military in many educational centers, the decay and abandonment is more than evident.

By: Correspondent lapatilla.com

In the communities ever further away from the capital of Monagas State in eastern Venezuela, the lack of government attention in the schools is much more noticeable. Such is the case of the Juana Ramírez Educational Unit, located in a rural area south of Maturín.

Classes have not yet started in the preschool due to the terrible conditions of the infrastructure, especially in one of the classrooms, where part of the roof fell due to strong winds. Added to that is the poor condition of the bathrooms, which is why they have to use the toilets at a nearby school.

Solciré Rodríguez, who is a representative of the preschool, said that almost two months ago, part of the roof blew off due to “a strong wind,” so both the classroom teacher and the parents took the measure of not starting school activities for the safety of the children.

“We are calling for the authorities to focus on conditioning the entire school because it needs it. As for the bathrooms, that was left as a gray area, neither of them can be used, so the children have to be taken to the nearby school to use those bathrooms, but that is not a good idea,” said the representative.

Meanwhile, in the educational unit, which has 221 students enrolled in the first to fifth grade, the lack of desks is one of the main problems. A teacher, who asked not to be identified to avoid reprisals, said that although not all students have attended this week, she is worried that when they all attend, some will be left without a desk.

The lack of piped water through mains forces them to carry buckets to keep the bathrooms clean, but there are also damaged faucets. The lack of fans turns the classrooms into an “oven” and particularly in this time of year when the temperatures increase, the situation is worse.

They hope that government agencies will take care of addressing these problems, not only in this school but in many others that are in serious decline, instead of distracting by decorating plazas and public buildings with Christmas lights.

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