Mother of a Vente Venezuela activist was extorted by the same officials who torture and arrested her son

Mother of a Vente Venezuela activist was extorted by the same officials who torture and arrested her son

Mireya González


Mireya González, mother of the young Vente Venezuela activist Sandro Javier Rodríguez González, warned this Friday that she was the victim of extortion practiced by the very officials who guarded her son in the detention center in Lara State. Vente Venezuela is a democratic opposition organization led by Maria Corina Machado.

“My son was arrested on August 6th. They took him from his father’s house, beat him and beat my daughter in front of the eight-year-old girl,” the woman recalled in a video posted on social media.

The mother said that Sandro was sent to a cell in Santa Rosa, “there they shocked him, beat him, hit him. From there they transferred him to ‘Pata ‘e Palo’ (Prison locale name).”

As if that were not enough, she denounced that “in Santa Rosa they took (extorted) 700 (U.S.A.) dollars from me because they were supposedly going to give him to me, they were going to release him, and they deceived me, they swindled me.”

From the PNB preventive detention center in Pata ‘e Palo they sent him to Tocuyito, in Carabobo state 200 Kms away (120 miles).

“After more than two months, yesterday I saw my son, he is malnourished, he is sick. They are giving him food with worms, they are not giving him water. They were not hitting them, but they are putting them in a very strong psychological terror, my son is very depressed,” Mireya lamented.

Finally, the mother asked for help for her son, “he needs treatment, my son is going to die there and I am going to die with him.”

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