Pregnant woman among more than 40 venezuelans prosecuted for post-election protests in Guárico state

Pregnant woman among more than 40 venezuelans prosecuted for post-election protests in Guárico state

Reference image of the outskirts of the Women’s Annex of the PGV (Venezuela’s General Penitentiary)


More than 40 Venezuelans arrested for the post-election protests of July 29th were tried on the night of Friday, October 11th, according to NGO “Fundación de los Derechos Humanos en los Llanos ” (Foundation for Human Rights in The Plains, Fundehullan).

By: Correspondent

The NGO stressed that among those prosecuted are 4 women, one of them pregnant, held in the Women’s Annex of the General Penitentiary of Venezuela (PGV).

“We highlight the case of a young woman who is 6 months pregnant and with a history of epilepsy was not granted any benefits, in accordance with her medical condition,” was posted on its social network account in X @FundehullanVzlaher .

The aforementioned NGO that documents and defends human rights in the country’s plains states, stressed that the hearing was held via telematics and without access to private defense which is a constitutional right.

Fundehullan urged the justice agencies to comply with article 43 of the National Constitution, which establishes that the State must protect the lives of people who are deprived of liberty.

With information from NGO “Una Ventana a la Libertad” (A Window to Freedom)