Pérez Vivas: When democracy is restored, a Constituent Assembly will be necessary to re-institutionalize Venezuela

Pérez Vivas: When democracy is restored, a Constituent Assembly will be necessary to re-institutionalize Venezuela



When Venezuela recovers democracy, it will be necessary to convene a Constituent Assembly that truly assumes the representation of the nation and can re-institutionalize the powers so that a national legislative power is truly elected that guarantees the citizens are fully and fairly represented, and insure the proportionality and the legality of its representatives.


On behalf of the Democratic Unitary Platform, the leader César Pérez Vivas considered it imperative to replace the current National Assembly, considering it a twisted and corrupt figure that Chavismo has installed in open violation of the Venezuelan Constitution.

“The 2020 National Assembly has a vice of unconstitutionality from the start, because the call for elections was made by installing 120 deputies to parliament from national lists that are not provided for in the Constitution,” said the political leader.

He insisted that this Assembly has been vitiated from the moment it was elected, because it is made up of representatives that do not exist in the Constitution.

He added that beyond this reality, there is another, and that is that under the direction of Jorge Rodríguez, the current National Assembly has committed itself and is part of the association of public powers to ignore the Constituent Power, popular sovereignty.

“This has made it lose all legitimacy by incorporating national deputies that do not exist, because in Venezuela from 1811 to the present day, the deputies represent a State, and there is no such figure of deputies by “national list” that has totally defiled it.

Military changes are just a settling of scores

When asked about the military changes recently made by Nicolás Maduro, he emphasized that they are due to a settling of scores within the leadership in power.

“They are also due to an effort to hold on tighter the actors of the red leadership, the officials who are in charge of those responsibilities, especially in the repressive agencies, in the police and military intelligence agencies, which are the ones that definitively support the regime,” said Pérez Vivas.

He added that the fact that the changes have focused on the security or intelligence agencies only shows that the only important thing for Nicolás Maduro is repression, the police state, the investigative state on the military and civilian citizens who peacefully resist the fraud committed on July 28th.

“We are facing a situation of illegality also in the construction of the National Armed Forces, because it has been converted into a political party, into the armed political arm of the Government, and not into an institution that defends the entirety of the nation and the Venezuelan State,” said the leader.

Pérez Vivas foresees that in a new democratic stage of Venezuela, the Armed Forces will once again become an institution and will cease to be an armed instrument at the service of a political party and a person, because that is what the National Constitution demands.

Maduro in a precarious situation

Regarding his perception of the possibility of Edmundo González Urrutia assuming office on January 10th, he pointed out that “the fraud committed by Nicolás Maduro, without a doubt, has placed him in a precarious situation, internally and internationally.”

He argued that Maduro’s presence in power is only based on the use of force, on the control he has over the public powers, which have become offices dependent on the Miraflores office (Executive).

“These entities lack any autonomy, any independence, and therefore this generates a situation of ungovernability within the country, but also an isolation from the international community that will certainly compromise the presence of Nicolás Maduro in Miraflores.