Venezuela’s PUD in Falcón state strengthens citizen teams in the municipalities to defend democracy

Venezuela’s PUD in Falcón state strengthens citizen teams in the municipalities to defend democracy

The opposition remains organized to achieve the transition in the country


For several weeks, representatives of Venezuela’s Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) in Falcón State have begun to tour the municipalities in order to consolidate the community teams carrying a message of hope and in defense of popular sovereignty.

Jesús Rico, who assumed the regional spokesperson for the PUD, pointed out that as politicians they are protected by the Constitution and what is being defended today is established in the principles of Venezuela’s Magna Carta, precisely in article 5 which clearly indicates that sovereignty resides in the people through suffrage, and that was what the people of Venezuela invoked on July 28th, which through voting gave power to Edmundo González Urrutia.

“There are currently many countries that are raising their voices in favor of the democratic cause in our country. More and more parliaments are joining the democratic cause of Venezuela. Today, the allies of those in power have not been able to demonstrate to the world what happened on July 28th, but we are very clear that Venezuela went out to vote and did so massively because it demanded change, a request that remains today,” he said.

He explained that this is why the teams are visiting the state of Falcón and recognizes that it is an arduous task. “We understand that political persecution is real, but we are focused on the fact that we are not criminals and we are protected by the Constitution. Human rights protect us to engage in politics. The citizen’s right to demand and enforce the Constitution is legitimate and that is why we are focused on solidifying and not losing the constitutional thread in Venezuela.”

He recalled that they have put up walls between those who have power and those who oppose them, but instead they do want, as citizens, politicians, Venezuelans, to be able to solidify and insist on this transition towards democracy in Venezuela.

“For us, it is necessary to overcome this constitutional conflict in order to advance towards the future of Venezuela, to generate confidence in the population and to legitimize the maximum powers of our country, which is the Presidency of the Republic and the National Assembly, through the direct vote of the people. We precisely need to unblock this conflict so that there is stability in the democratic future of Venezuela, because otherwise instability could be generated in the country, because by not recognizing the will of the people of July 28th, the institutions collapse.”